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Feature Friday || Tere’s Cake Face

Tere’s Cake Face offers custom cake designs.

What is the inspiration for your business? How did you get started?

My daughter Tere (Tereana) is the inspiration for my business. I have always baked but I never considered doing it for others on a professional level. I begin to bake for coworkers and friends as gifts and sharing and it took off from there.

What is your best advice for a bride-to-be?

Remember it is your day. Whatever you envisioned for that day; you should have people around you that will help to see that vision through.

What is your favorite thing about a wedding day?

The vows are my favorite thing about a wedding day. I love to hear the thoughts that the bride and groom have crafted to share with those that they love most.

What are your goals for 2020-2021?

My goals for 2020-2021 include developing more as an artist. I have so many thoughts and ideas for desserts and cakes that I can’t keep up with them all. I want to step out and take those risks. I also want to connect with other artists more because I am so inspired by their work. I can only imagine how inspiring their energy is!

If you were any other profession, what would you be?

I would definitely be the voice of animations.

Excluding yours, what company or business do you admire the most? And why?

There are so many, and I really couldn’t choose one but there are a few female cake artist that inspire me. Bitsy Cakes, Your Cake Diva, and Jessica’s Dessert Studio. These women are fantastic cake artist and very transparent when it comes to their journey to becoming who they are today.

What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?

I love to hike. It comes in second to running. I started running about 8 years ago and it literally saved my life. I was suffering from Crohn’s disease and running kept it remission and kept me healthy. Hiking allows me to see so many untouched sights that are absolutely breathtaking. I also love to travel and of course eat!

If you were a flower, what kind would you be and why?

Orchids are my favorite. They provide a sense of calmness in whatever room they are in.

Tere’s Cake Face Facebook: Tere’s Cake Face Instagram: @terescakeface Email: Website:

Stationery: @simplyrosiedesigns

Balloons: @Idecorevents

Cookies: @poppycakes_jky

Artisan Macarons: @mrsmacarons

Planning & Photography: @katymurrayphotography

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